Rain Guardians Community Event At Sunset Boulevard Greenway
Saturday,20th August 2022

San Francisco community members,
Join us for a Rain Guardians program community event to learn more about the Sunset Boulevard Green Gateway rain gardens and how you can support these sustainable stormwater management facilities by becoming a Rain Guardian!
Our Rain Guardians volunteer program allows San Francisco community members to join the SFPUC in the stewardship of our cities rain gardens by adopting a rain garden and helping keep it free of trash and debris.
During this event, we will tour nearby rain gardens and share information about how they work, why they are important, and how to best care for them. We will also have tablets at the event so that attendees can check out our website, sign up to be a rain guardian, and adopt a rain garden on the spot. If you are already a rain guardian, this will be a great time to learn more about the program and meet other rain guardians in your community
Check out our website: www.rainguardians.org and explore the program map to see if there is a rain garden near you available for adoption.
For any questions please reach out to us at rainguardians@sfwater.org.
We look forward to meeting you!
Rain Guardians Team